Critical Thinking : Visual Literacy : Creative Solutions
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As your designer, I will provide critical thinking, visual literacy, and creative media solutions in a unique and memorable way that will clearly enhance the communication and outreach efforts of the your organization.

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Office of System Integration
California Energy Commission
Dr. Ephraim Williams Family Life Center
Jimmie Joy Jewels
California Black Media
j5 Wines
Sacramento City Unified School District
Alameda County Office of Education

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Mylsia {Meh-LEE-Za} Jenkins is a graphic designer from the Bay Area who currently resides in Sacramento, CA. In 2009, she attended the Academy Art University in San Francisco, CA, studying a Master of Fine Arts in Graphic Design. This may seem like centuries ago in internet years, but Mylsia continues to reinvent her creativity through research and continuing projects within State Service, as well as freelancing within the private sector. Mylsia will provide critical thinking, visual literacy, and creative media solutions in a unique and memorable way that will clearly enhance the communication and outreach effort of any organization.